Swedish Massage: The Swedish massage is a light to moderate pressure massage designed to soothe and relax the client, a few knots will be worked on, but only in a calming way. 30 min: $40.00 60 min: $80.00 90 min: $100.00 120 min: $130.00
Deep Tissue: The Deep Tissue Massage is a more intensive session designed to seek out the knots and congestion within the body and remind the muscles where they are supposed to be and what they are supposed to do. The client often leaves feeling rejuvenated & relaxed. Some mild soreness can be expected. 30 min: $46.00 60 min: $80.00 90 min: $ 120.00 120 min: $160.00
Reflexology: Reflexology is a massage that focuses on specific pressure points in the hands and feet to help alleviate stress and pain in the area being worked on and the area that it relates to in the body. This massage can be done on both the hands and the feet. *(Let clients know that if the don't have a lot of extra time, they can have this service done while getting their hair done, a private room is not required.) 30 min: $45.00 (choose feet or hands) 60 min: $85.00 (both hands and feet)
Sports Massage: The Sports Massage caters to the specific needs of the athlete. It targets the muscles with a combination of massage and stretching techniques designed to help the athlete with range of motion and muscle fluidity (I.E.: runners, swimmers, cyclists, dancers, ball players, etc.) 30 min: $45.00 60 min: $80.00 90 min: $120.00
Lymphatic Drainage Massage: The lymphatic system is a cooperative system, it is an aid to other systems. It helps the immune system in removing and destroying waste, debris, pathogens, and toxins. It absorbs fats and fat soluble vitamins from the digestive system and delivers nutrients to the cells of the body where they are needed. The lymphatic system also helps remove excess fluid from between the cells to reduce swelling. The lymphatic system does not have its own pumps, it relies on the fluid passing through it ( generated by body movement) to keep the passages clear. The Lymphatic Drainage Massage acts as an aid for your lymphatic system, allowing it to aid your body better. It as a gentle massage designed to mechanically move the waste through. It is a great way to give your immune system a boost and is especially popular with clients with lymph-edema, sinusitis, digestive issues, or who are recovering from tummy tucks and liposuction. 90 min: $145.00
Reiki/ Chakra Balancing: Reiki/ Chakra Balancing has gone by many names including: Reiki, Chakra Balancing, healing touch, and energy work. This technique has been practiced for hundreds of years by a multitude of cultures and religions. In a Reiki/ Chakra Balancing session, the therapist will concentrate, meditate, or pray over the area of concern to help alleviate stress, promote healing and re-balance the client. This service is also a good alternative for those who cannot receive massage. 30 min: $35.00 60 min: $80.00 90 min: $120
Oncology Massage A light touch massage for those suffering the effects of Chemotherapy. Designed to relax you while hydrating your skin. 75 min: $125
Chakra Balancing Massage: Quite often, our stress will manifest itself physically within our bodies, causing existing knots to worsen and new knots to form. When our bodies are in pain, our minds have a hard time letting go. The Chakra Balancing Massage combines the rejuvenating effects of a massage with the balancing of the chakras, addressing the physical and mental/ emotional stress simultaneously, and leaving the client with a greater sense of peace, relaxation, and healing within their body, mind and spirit. 60 min: $80.00 90 min: $120.00 120 min: $160.00